Hi all, new to this group, I am grateful to be a part of it! I have fairly crappy self concept, and a mind that is somewhat resistant to affirmations, I can’t listen to Subliminals at night because all subliminals, even ones I make myself give me insomnia if listened to right before or during sleep. I have a custom SP subliminal being made by none other than I want it, I got it which I’m very excited about. I want to know how much should I listen to it? Would 2 hours a day be enough? I know it depends but generally speaking? I’d like to have a general ballpark answer. and when people say not to waver and live in the end, do they mean correct yourself and move on, remind yourself of your power or just physically stop? which would be impossible for me! a few last things. I started affirming for something awhile back I saw a tiny bit of movement within hours, but it all went away the next day!! What could cause that? two last questions is it possible to use the law of assumption to manifest a product, service, invention or way of doing things that doesn’t exist or exist yet real ? And how powerful can Carbon Copy body or face Subs be? Any help would be gladly appreciated, Thanks!
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Any help would be greatly appreciated!